Agre Tennis Lessons
Sunday Night Adult Drills
Adult lessons/drills will begin on May 18th this year and run through mid October. We will again offer 2 classes on Sunday nights: 5:00-6:15, and 6:15-7:30. Cost per session is $17. You can sign up each week via text or email. If you would like to be guaranteed a spot each week, you can purchase a summer pass for $220 which will be good from May 18th to August 24th (No lesson on the 31st for Labor Day weekend) Beginning in September, cost will be $17 per session for all participants; we may move to 1 session per Sunday depending on attendance and day light.
Advantages to purchasing a summer pass:
Guarantees a spot each week
Covers 15 Sunday nights for less than the price of 13
If you have any questions, please let us know!
**If you are a beginner or haven't picked up a tennis racquet in a while, contact us for a 1-1 introduction or refresher to get you started.